Whats in the Aquas
The Aqua Hydration Formulas are a synergistic combination of Herbal extracts, Homoeopathics, Flower Essences and other ingredients. Detailed formulations (including TGA approved Latin binomial names for all ingredients, ingredient volumes and plant parts used) are provided on each label and are available upon request.
AQUA Hydration - Female
Hydrastis Canadensis 12 X
Ulmus Rubra 12X
Smilax Ornata 12 X
Australian Flower essences:
Leptospermum squarrosum
Prostanthera striatiflora
Boronia serrulata
Also Contains
Purified terpene - Myrcene
AQUA Hydration - Male
Hydrastis Canadensis 12 X
Ulmus Rubra 12X
Smilax Ornata 12 X
Australian flower essences:
Corybas dialatus
Prostanthera cuneata
Serrata banksia
Also Contains
Purified terpene - Beta-caryophyllene
Each 25ml bottle of the AQUA Formulas will last for at least one month, based on recommended dosage levels.
You will obtain best results using filtered WATER, still or sparkling mineral WATER. Some chemicals in tap WATER, notably chlorine and fluoride, can compromise HYDRATION in the body. In all drinks, you may vary the quantity and proportion of liquids to suit your taste.
The AQUA Formulas work very gently in the body. Improving HYDRATION will naturally support your body to clear toxins. Drink sufficient additional WATER daily according to your lifestyle, level of exertion etc.